Zevro Dry Food Dispenser
You may feel that your mornings are as easy as possible now that you've got yourself an egg and muffin toaster, but have you thought about what happens when you want a bowl of cereal? You've gotta reach all the way up to your cupboard, get down that box, open it up and uncrinkle the plastic bag... man, that's just too much work. You need a Zevro Dry Food Dispenser, which will dispense cereal into your bowl with just a turn of its knob. Get one for each variety of cereal you like, and one for your dry pet food even! $19.99 USD. (Via Boingboing.)
I need one of those! A B&B I stayed in once had these and they truly rocked.
They seriously look so handy and fun. We're moving pretty soon, but once we're settled into a new place I think I'll definitely have to buy a couple of these.
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